All potential providers are required to complete an electronic Provider Credentialing Application or submit their CAQH number for credentialing.
Initial applicants for the state of Kansas are required to apply directly through Kansas Medical Assistance Program (KMAP) web portal. Please click here:
Upon receipt of the credentialing electronic application or CAQH number, the credentialing information is reviewed by the Credentialing Coordinator for completeness.
All data, licenses and certificates are electronically confirmed by the applicable regulatory agencies, and any provider not in good standing with his/her respective regulatory agency is pended.
The completed and confirmed application or CAQH number is forwarded to the Professional Review Committee Chairperson for review and consideration.
If consideration is favorable, the provider is approved.
If the consideration is not favorable, the information is sent back to the Credentialing Coordinator with recommendations for further review.
MARCH has a responsibility to its providers to assure the credentialing information it reviews is complete and accurate. As a MARCH provider you have the following rights and responsibilities. (CLICK HERE)
If you have any questions about MARCH® Vision Care’s credentialing process, please contact Network Development. Please listen to the prompts that will direct you to Provider Services, and then to Contracting.
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