Our Customers

"Your patients are our primary concern. Good customer service results in good
Easy access to a broad array of highly qualified providers.
Enrollees select their provider of choice from a list of providers within their
locale. Access to the list is available by phone or Internet.
Appointments are assured within March Vision Care's standard of access.
Routine appointments within 30 calendar days.
Urgent or emergency appointments within 24 hours.
Prior authorization is not needed for appointments.
A toll-free customer service line for enrollees with employees trained to be
sensitive to cultural diversity.
A referral to the enrollee's primary care physician whenever a medical problem
is detected.
Periodic surveys of enrollees for service satisfaction and provision of results
to purchasers.

"Keeping providers happy assures our ability to keep enrollees satisfied."
Fast and efficient claims payments using hassle-free claims submission
Initial training on the contract specifications with periodic updates.
Targeted training as identified through customer service calls or claims
A toll-free customer service line for providers.
Surveys of providers to identify program enhancement opportunities and to
determine provider satisfaction with March Vision Care plan. Survey results
are shared with our clients including providers.

"We strive to make our vision services one of the reasons potential enrollees
select your health plan. We do that by keeping enrollees and providers happy
during their interactions with March Vision Care."
A customized vision benefit plan that meets your needs and the needs of your
An understanding of the Medicaid program and vision services coverage policies
including EPSDT.
Competitive rates for comprehensive, quality services including an ability to
share risk.
Established standards of care that are shared with you and with the provider
Active monitoring of both provider credentials and quality of care.
Utilization tracking.
A management report on utilization, enrollee and provider satisfaction and
other quality of care monitoring provided to you.
Early warning for some disease states that can translate into health care
dollar savings to you.
HIPAA compliance.