March Vision Care Logo Language

Our Dedication

  • We will provide you with an economical, efficient and comprehensive vision benefit program.
  • As an administrator of vision services, we offer you very competitive rates.
  • As a risk-sharing partner, we are able to share risk with you at a level that will be economical to your health plan.
  • We maintain a nationwide network of qualified vision providers.
  • All contracted providers meet NCQA guidelines.
  • We endeavor to be culturally sensitive and to break down barriers to care.
  • We maintain 24-hour customer service access.
  • We survey enrollees to determine satisfaction. You will receive a report of findings.
  • Selecting a network provider can be done by toll-free telephone or via the Internet.

Language services can be provided by calling the number on your identification card. For additional language assistance: Español | 中文| Tiếng Việt | 한국어 | Tagalog | Pусский | العربية | Kreyòl | Français | Polski |  Português | Italiano |  Deutsch | 日本語 | فارسی | Other Languages…